December 27, 2018

Bearing the Name?

The virgin conception and birth of Yeshua is one of the key factors about Chanukka-Christmas, that the promised Messiah and the Saviour of Ha ‘Olam has come Elohim into human flesh the gift given for our redemption!

But being a believer in Yeshua comes with a cost, that of being ostracized from what ever group you belong too? Be targeted for being different, doing right, seeking to be honest or showing integrity? Because Ha ‘Olam is the opposite of everything that is honourable and it is a challenge for us to bear His name!

Jeremiah 29:11, 13,   Amos 5:4,   Luke 1:35,  37,   Yochanan 3:3,  14-17,   Colossians 2:2-15,  Hebrews 11:5.