Prophetic Recalled!

August 11, 2022

The fear and failure to Grasp?

Even today in these last ages before the end, we may still be in this state of prophetic ignorance and it could be to our cost as it was to the Talmidim of Yeshua!

On the night He was betrayed they ran for the hills, Peter denied Him three times before sunrise!

They heard what was being said to them, but they allowed fear to come in just as Peter walking on the sea, saw the waves and gave up!

In memory after Yeshua was glorified they remembered and thus went on for many them to martyrdom for their Lord and leave us a legacy of truth that we need to act upon?

Mark 9:32, Yochanan 12:16.

What Israel wanted!

July 28, 2022

What it got?

The people wanted to be delivered by their King Messiah from the Roman and Greek influences and occupation and they rejoiced at Yeshua’s coming up to Yerushalayim, quoting in their hearts and minds from Zephaniah 3:14 and Zechariah 9:9 based around Jeremiah 23:5-6.

But Yeshua was coming to deliver both the Y’hudim and Ha ‘Goy from our sins and failures to make that final one and only sacrifice for our failings and to rise on the third day from the tomb! Yochanan 12:15.

We understand more now in retrospect, but we need to be careful do we really understand His return and not be mislead as they were in the days of Ha ‘Moshia?

Entertaining a Stranger!

October 22, 2021

Yeshua Revealed?

What has this event to do with this time of the year, much since this could of happened at any time?

This was a wonderous time for the people of Y’srael, who had the faith to believe in Yeshua and they were amazed at the teaching from this man walking with them!

Yeshua remained hidden, until they broke bread in their home, in which this strange was invited into, then they saw Him and He dissapeared!

Today if you consider the Messiah, repent accept Him, you may not see Him in the flesh, but your whole life will be changed and the Holy Scriptures that you thought you knew will come alive and you will be free from the religious hypocrisy and wrong understanding of mans interpretation!

Luke 24:31-32, Psalm 39:3, 104:34, Yesha ‘Yahu 50:4, Yochanan 6:63, Hebrews 4:12-13.

Sacrifice for Sins?

March 19, 2021

Ha Pesach!

It is an invaluable knowledge to know that two thousand years ago the promised Ha Moshia to Y’srael died on the cross/tree/stake for our sins and this one and final atonement is still at work today saving millions around the world, many still be murdered and turned away for the name of Yeshua!

As we approach Easter-Pesach one wants to look at the Last supper meal in which Yeshua constituted the New Covenant, but one wants to look at the importance or sometimes overlooked point of Yeshua being the vine and its relationship to Israel.

Yesha ‘Yahu 53:9-10, Zephaniah 3:17, Matthew/Levi 26:29, Mark 14:25, Luke 22:17-42, Acts 2:42, 46, 1 Corinthians 11:25-27.

Our need of Salvation is great today as it has ever been and many Y’hudim are still coming to faith in Ha’ Moshia and one hopes all who read this today will also consider Him and find that love and inner peace that Ha ‘Olim cannot satisfy us with?

Yochanan 3:3, 14-17, 15:1, 5-6, Hebrews 2:14.

Yeshua’s last words in relation to this covenant was addressed to Israel, in that upon His return He would drink wine and save the nation from their failings and blindness to Him!

The undermining of our Faith!

It has been some forty years now that the Christian Church has side-lined the book of Revelation in an attempt to undermine the return of Ha’ Adon and the fulfilment of all the promises to Israel?

We have been warned in the writings of Kefa that people without the fulness of Ruach Ha’ Kodesh would enter into the family of believers to sow doubts and lead as many as possible astray into other selfish doctrines and teaching!

The world Church today has watered down the Complete Tanakh, so that people no longer accept truths in relation to many areas from the obvious on the matter of sexuality, marriage?

Bet Kefa 3:3-4, Acts 1:9-11, 10:42, Philippians 4:5, 1 Timothy 4:1-5, Alef Kefa 4:5.

Blessed is He who comes in the name of Adonai!

In most Christian aspects this word from the Greek Hosanna is associated with the Sunday a week before Easter known as Palm Sunday, but the full meaning of this is lost to the Gentile Church since it would not seem to them to be that important?

Yet it is vital to fully understand everything in the Complete Tanakh as important or we will become confused as many do!

The people wanted Yeshua to be their King not just their Ha  Moshia/Messiah, but the Scriptures tell us that this was the servant King coming to redeem both Israel and all believers amongst Ha Goy’im to His Abba!  Psalm 79:9,  Yesha ‘Yahu 53:1-12.

Meanwhile the Torah-Teachers of the day were jealous of Yeshua, because they feared loosing both their power, influences and comforts under this Roman leadership!

Israel’s call for deliverance was not that of their own failures, but that of the Roman occupation. Generally most of the people had misunderstood the scriptures and this is worrying even today in relation to the End times and the Book of Revelation?

Matthew/Levi 21:7-11,  15-17,   Mark 11:7-11,   Yochanan 12:13-16,  Galatians 1:14.

The Perfect Temple…Part-Two.

November 14, 2013

‘In Heaven.

At the last events of humanity Elohim will send His Angels out of the Perfect Temple to distress people. But as you read the book of Revelation, you will see that despite the mercy of Elohim. People will still continue in their ways and will curse God, instead of turning to Him.

In times past we saw that it was the Levites that were allowed to minister or to serve Elohim in both the Tabernacle and later the Temple. There were times even when Moshe could not enter the Tent for His presence, but now it is revealed to us the truth of what occurs in heaven.

Exodus 40;34,    Numbers 1:50,    Revelation 15:5-8.

Heavenly Temple and Moshe.

Elohim, Ha’Adon gave to Moshe on the mountain of Sinai a plan to copy out in his building of the Tabernacle, Tent of meeting. Moshe was told to keep to the plan. The tabernacle was a mobile temple, where as Solomons was a structure in Yerushalayim. Israel.

But we are not told about the perfect Temple until Yeshua Adonai came, was killed, rose from the dead and ascended back into Heaven.And after the Ruach Ha’Kodesh was pourd out, to empower the believers.  Exodus 25:1-9,  1 Kings 6-8.

It is Yohanan who is privalaged to see in a vision on the Island of Patmos the truth. it is through his writings of the Book of Revelation that is revealed at last to us.   Revelation 3:12,   14:15,  17.

Yeshua Speaks…Part-Three.

October 31, 2013

‘To Yohanan.

Yohanan the Talmidim is now an old man serving a prison term in a quarry on the Greek island of Patmos. One day he receives a vision of Yeshua speaking to him about future events that are to happen in history and the times leading to the end of the ages. We know this as the book of the Revelation.

This is the last book of the New Testament and the complete Tanakh. It is here that we learn of the agenda set out by Elohim. yeshua Adonia is to return for His Ekklesia and then Satan is to be released.

Revelation 1:8, 11,  18-20,   2:1-3;22,

Which road are you on?

August 1, 2013

A Highway.

The complete Tanakh speaks constantly about two kinds of Ha’Derek that humans follow. One leads to Eternal life and it is a hard and narrow road, with many obstacle’s along the way. The second road is a wide one, a Broadway. It is a road full of wealth and financial securities, many friends, and also many human pleasures.

Elohim tells us that His road will be a way for the redeemed and the cleansed to travel on is safety. It is the highway of Holiness. Yesha’yahu 35:8-10.

Yeshua Ha’Adon also speaks about a Ha’Derek for the saved both Goyim and Y’hudim.  Matthew/Levi 7:13-14,   Revelation 7:17,  21:4.

So I ask you today; Which road are you on?