Yeshua Adonai is Returning?

Many believers can believe so much of the account of Yeshua in relation to His death and rising from the dead on the third day as promised and they believe this is enough?

But there is much more to these events that occurred in the forty days between His rising from the grave and His return home to Heaven! The emphasis for the Talmadim was when would Israel be restored again?

They were talking about the Kingdom, just like the people in the triumphal entry to Yerushalayim wanted Him to be their King! This was part of the mind of Ha ‘Yhudim in those days! We are told He could not commit to a date, but on reflection for us the nation or State of Israel exists!

But we as believers are still waiting for His return, which is much more important in relation to us and all historical events!

Matthew/Levi 24:30,  26:64,  Mark 13:26,  Luke 13:35,  Acts 1:6-11,  Yezeki ‘EL 30:3, Revelation 1:7.

Yeshua the Boy. Part-One.

December 26, 2013

From toddler to Bar Mitzvah.

We do not have much information in the scriptures about Yeshua as a child, but what we have is perhaps enough. People read sometimes to fast and they miss out the facts and the details of a letter, document. It is like failing to read the small print on the conditions of a contract.

The Wisemen or Magi did not visit Yeshua in the manger, when He was born in Beit Lechem.  They were only setting out on their journey to follow the promised appearance of the star of Ya’akov. It would be at least one year later for them to arrive in Yerushalayim and seek out the new King of Ysra’el.

B’Midbar/Numbers 24;17, Matthew/Levi 2:1-5,  Micah 5:1(2).